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You are here : Home - Web Development - Going live - FTP Glossary

FTP Glossary

Moving your site from your computer to the web is just a case of understanding a few simple terms used, so here is a list so you will know what we are talking about later.

FTP/FTP Client
FTP - File Transfer Protocol. This basically a set of instructions that allow 2 computers to speak to each other.
FTP Client - This is software you run on your computer which connects to the FTP Client on the Remote computer allowing you to move files etc.
Webspace is disk space on another computer where you will put all your web files. Most Internet Service Providers supply some free webspace when you sign up but if not then there are loads of free webspace providers that provide webspace normally you will be forced to display ads or have popup ads with free providers.
A webserver is a computer that is running special software allowing people to connect to it from their browser. As the name suggests a webserver serves webpages. Your webspace will be on the webserver so, when someone requests a page the first connection is to the webserver, the webserver then serves the page from your webspace. Easy.
The term local refers to files that are stored on your computer
The term remote refers to the files that are stored on the webserver within your webspace.
Uploading/putting refers to moving files from your computer to another. Or in other words, uploading means moving files from the local machine to the remote machine.
Downloading refers to moving files from another computer onto your computer. Or in other words, downloading means moving files from the remote machine to the local machine.
Web Address
Your web address will be provided by either your ISP or given to you when you sign up to a free webspace provider.
The root refers to starting point of your website. When you are allocated your webspace you are basically given a folder on another computer where you put all your files. This is called the root folder. Your folder location on the remote computer may look like this /www/htdocs/youraccount/. What happens when you enter your web address into a browser is this, the webserver will know from the address where to look for your root folder and serve pages from there.

So now we know what everything means we can get started with webspace.

  1. Going live
  2. FTP Glossary
  3. Webspace
  4. FTP Client

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12 Nov 2003


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