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You are here : Home - Web Development - HTML - Webpage building - text formatting

Webpage building - text formatting

The formatting of text is all done using tags. Word processors use the same principal - the only difference is you don't have to write the tags. You could use an HTML drag and drop program that is similar to a word processor where you don't have to learn anything, you just press buttons but where's the fun in that :)

Text formatting tags are dead easy to learn. Lets take a look at some of the common ones.

<p> </p> - paragraph (left aligned - default so no align="left" attribute required)
<p align="center"> </p> - paragraph (centered)
<p align="right"> </p> - paragraph (right aligned)
<br> line break (notice we don't need a closing tag)
<b> </b> - bold
<i> </i> - italics
<u> </u> - underline
<sub> </sub> - subscript
<sup> </sup> - superscript

Let's see how they look

left aligned using <p> </p> tags

centered using <p align="center"> </p> tags

right aligned using <p align="right"> </p> tags

One thing I would like to point out is that the closing </p> is still optional - please make sure you get into the habit of using now as it is very important when you start developing further using style sheets AND it may not be optional forever :)

<b> </b> - bold
<i> </i> - italics
<u> </u> - underline
<sub> </sub> - subscript
<sup> </sup> - superscript

So far so good I hope. Ok so you haven't made a webpage yet but you have to walk before you can run. You are still learning to walk so take your time - create some pages with the tags I've covered over the last few pages and you'll see that it's not that hard.

What I hope you have gained from reading through these pages is the basic idea of how a webpage is put together, how tags work etc. If you are still none the wiser after reading this or if you found it useful in any way please do not hesitate to Contact Me as feedback (good or bad) is always appreciated.

By giving me your comments you can help me to help others. Thanks

Part 01 - the basics
Part 02 - the structure
Part 03 - tag attributes
Part 04 - text formatting tags

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