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Changing Styles
Style sheets give you a lot of control on the appearance of your page. I will mainly cover fonts and colors and hopefully give some useful tips as well.
To keep things simple I will use the longhand way of writing style sheets - not all browsers handle style shorthand syntax too well.
- font-family : [FONT NAME, FONT-FAMILY];
- This is used to define the font you want to use. They are searched for in order specified so if a font isn't on the users system it will look for the next in the list. You should always specify a family type at the end such as sans-serif or serif.
Example : font-family : verdana, helvetica, sans-serif;
- font-size : [xxpt];
- Font size is defined in point size using pt. While using 8 pt; will work it might not work properly in future so make sure you do not put a space between the value and the pt instead use 8pt;
Example : font-size : 8pt;
- font-weight : [normal bold];
- This allows you to alter the font weight - so you could create your own custom bold tags for example.
Example : font-weight : bold;
- font-style : [normal italic];
- This allows you to alter the font style.
Example : font-style : italic;
- text-decoration : [option];
- This allows you to apply line styles to your text. Options are none | underline | overline | line-through which look like this.
none | underline | overline | line-through
Example : text-decoration : underline;
- color : [value];
- This allows you to alter the font color. Color can either be a name (red;) or a value (#FF0000;). When using a value you can use for example FF0000; but this is no longer preferred and may not work in future browser releases. Always precede color values with a # and no space eg. #FF0000;
Example : color : #FF0000;
looks like red text
- background-color : [value];
- This allows you to alter the background color. Color can either be a name (red;) or a value (#FF0000;). When using a value you can use for example FF0000; but this is no longer preferred and may not work in future browser releases. Always precede color values with a # and no space eg. #FF0000;
Example : background-color : #FF0000;
looks like red background with yellow text
This covers some of the basic elements you can control next we'll look at more advanced styles.
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