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You are here : Home - Web Development - Javascript - Getting Started - External Scripts

External Scripts

For this guide we won't be using external javascripts but it's worth pointing out the benefits at this stage.

As you progress through this guide you will learn about using functions. Once you reach this point you will start to see the advantage in using external javascript files.

External javascript files will usually contain frequently used javascript snippets/functions etc and are linked to from your webpage. External javascript files normally have a .js file extension, for example myscripts.js

You link to your external javascript file with the following code

<script language="JavaScript" src="/path/to/filename.js" type="text/javascript"> 
// -->

Normally this is placed between the <head></head> tags.

Your external javascript file should not include any <script></script> tags. Adding the tags will generate errors.

You can link to more than 1 javascript file by repeating the above code and changing the path and filename accordingly.

Next we'll take a look at writing our first script

16 Nov 2003


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