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Q3: Do I really need the alt tag on a spacer gif?

A:Well yes and no.

First we'll look at yes.

If you want your html to validate then you must provide an alt tag, something like this will do
<img src="images/spacer.gif" width="300" height="2" alt="" border="0">
You won't get any alt text showing and your page will validate.

If you want to validate for web accessibility then you can't leave the tag empty
<img src="images/spacer.gif" width="300" height="2" alt="image spacer" border="0">
You must provide text to validate for web accessibility.

If you don't care about either of the above then hang your head in shame :)
<img src="images/spacer.gif" width="300" height="2" border="0">
This will work if you don't want to validate your page.

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