Are you a web coding wizard? Have you worked out an easier way to do something or have a great tip you'd like to share?
Why not share your knowledge with others on this site. I am looking for how to's and tips for publishing on WebDevTips.
There is no cash involved BUT, what you will get is that warm fuzzy feeling you get from helping others :) You will also get credit for any guides or tips published.
There are a few guidelines to be followed. - Not strict guidelines but helpful :)
For Javascript tips and guides.
Scripts must be compatible with all the top browsers
Scripts that don't work on certain browsers should degrade gracefully and not generate errors - don't worry if you don't have access to all the top browsers most scripts tend to work well and I will test them out first as well :)
Don't let that put you off though - if you aren't sure just send it anyway.
General tips for writing guides
Please try and keep the language as simple possible.
Try to keep any code snippets short (where possible)
Make sure your code is well structured and easy to understand.
Only get really technical if there is no other way to avoid it.
Be methodical and explain any results the reader can expect while working through a guide.
If there is the chance of getting errors explain some of the common errors For example a missing ; (semicolon) and the end of a php line of code.
Always be aware that someone might be trying to learn something new so make sure your code actually works.
What sort of stuff are we looking for.
Useful guides would be
Using a flatfile csv database with perl,php or asp, creating the csv, adding removing and editing csv files etc.
Getting started with databases using perl,asp or php - has to be a quick start guide. creating the database, making the connection etc all in easy to follow blocks.
How to open and read files (not database)
Any how to guides or tips in php perl javascript asp etc
If its not on this site already then we want it :)
WebDevTips obligation
I will not claim credit for any work submitted by third parties.
Submitted articles or tips will be credited to the author (on request I will withhold the author name but still credit the article as a submission*)
Copyright for the article will remain with the author.
I will not publish (Except Name and City*) or sell any personal information disclosed such as email adresses etc.
On approval of an article the author will be emailed a copy of the url before it goes live to verify the content.
WebDevTips reserve the right to edit articles for clarity or length.
In the event of of any copyright issues arising from a submitted article WebDevTips reserves the right to remove the article without notice.
Your obligation
You must make sure that submitted articles are your own work and not copied from other sources.
You agree to the article being published on WebDevTips.
If the article has been published elsewhere, please let me know when you contact me.
Please check any email attachments for viruses before sending.
Now thats all the legal stuff out of the way, how do you send your article.
Articles will only be accepted via email
Small tips should just be in the body of the message.
Larger guides should be zipped and sent as an attachment.
Please include your Full Name and City (do not supply your address or telephone number)
Please include any other info that might be relevant such as (webmaster, senior programmer etc)
Submissions from free email accounts such as hotmail, msn, yahoo etc will not be accepted. (Please read before you email)
Don't worry about formatting html I will incorporate the guide into the site.
If you don't have any tips but still want to help why not complete our site survey. It'll only take you a couple of minutes and would really help us in providing a better service.
So, get your thinking caps on and your keyboards out :)