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You are here : Home - Web Development - Beyond the Basics

Beyond the Basics

Once you have got the basics out of the way you will probably want to add more features to your webpage.

This list of guides that will show you how to add other features to your pages. Don't forget, if you are confused by anything then you can use the forum to ask for help. There are no stupid questions so don't be afraid to ask.

  1. Lists Lists are a great way of presenting data. Lists have various styles of presentation and this guide will take you through the different layouts achievable with list tags..
  2. Unordered Lists Un-Ordered lists are basically bullet points. These tend to be the most commonly used lists...
  3. Ordered Lists - Ordered lists, as with the un-ordered list are similar to bullet points. The main difference is that the lists auto number ...
  4. Defnition Lists - A definition list divides a listing into two parts - The main definition term and definition itself.
  5. How forms work - Forms have several uses on the web. Shopping carts, guestbooks, discussion forums etc all use forms to get information from the user...
  6. The Form Tag - Forms are made up of 2 parts. There's what the user sees and theres underlying code that the browser needs...
  7. Text Input - Allowing the visitor to enter information is achieved with text boxes...
  8. User Options - Users prefer form filling to composing an email to someone they don't know. You can make users feel comfortable by providing options that are relevant...
  9. Hidden and Submit - Forms can also contain hidden fields, ones the user can't change. There are reasons for hidden field, for example...
  10. Forms in Tables - When it comes to formatting the layout of your forms you must ensure that the code structure is correct...

We hope you find the above guides useful in getting started. Why not let us know what you think by leaving your comments in our forum.

29 Nov 2003


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