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You are here : Home - Web Development - Headline Syndication - What to expect

What to expect after RSS submission

What happens next

Every site is different so here's my experience with Moreover. At this point I would like to thank Andrew Finnegan at Moreover for taking the time to answer some of my questions.

A few days after I submitted the form I received an email from Moreover saying that my source had been added to their system :)

Here's mistake No.1 - I assumed that the headlines I submitted originally would be used and that they would be my first headlines to appear. Wrong :( Once a site has been added to the system, articles from the first subsequent update will be made available. So, once you are approved, put up new headlines (if you have any).

I couldn't find my headlines in any of the categories I would have expected to find them. I could find my headlines from the search form in the showcase section of the site so at least I knew for sure I was in the system. The reason for this is that sites are not limited to categories. Articles can appear in any of the feeds if the article matches the system definition of the feed.

Basically, once they acquire more information about your site from articles you make available, the more likely you are to be visible in the correct categories.

You should update your feed as you add new content to your site. Moreover will ignore old feeds and ideally (for good house keeping) you should remove old headlines once you are sure they have been picked up by the sources you have subscribed to. Keep your feed fresh and it should help.

There isn't really a limit to how many headlines your feed should contain but from researching this subject something between 5-15 would seem to be the norm. (Please feel free to correct this:)

Many of the above points are not specific to Moreover and I would assume that most of the advice given would be applicable regardless of the source.

So there you have it, everything you need to get started. Source code, a headline code generator, links to sources and validators.

Thank you again to Andrew Finnegan at Moreover for his help.

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I hope you have found this guide useful and not too boring. If you have any comments, good or bad, about this guide then please contact me. All comments are greatly appreciated.

Thanks... Andy

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