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RSS Updater

If you have used our RSS Headline Generator to create your feed, you may have noticed that it's not very useful for updating your feeds.

Well all that has changed with our RSS updater. Load your exisiting RSS file from your site by entering the full URL to your feed in the URL field provided. By using this tool to update your feed you eliminate the risks of breaking anything, for example, misspelling a tag. Fill in the form on the next page and click on the "Make My Feed" button.

Now select how many new items you want to add.

Crop Items to 10 What's This?

Ideally your feed should only contain 10-15 items. Personally I would recommend 10.

What will happen.
If you choose to only have 10 items then leave the box provided checked. Example - If your current feed has 14 items and you want to add 3 new items, the 3 new items will be put at the top of your RSS file - the top 7 feeds from your site will be untouched. The 4 remaining items from the bottom of your original feed (normally these will be the oldest) will be removed, leaving you with 10 items.

If you uncheck the box. Example - If your current feed has 14 items and you add 5 items, the 5 new feeds will be placed at the top of your RSS (newest at the top). The 14 items from your orignal feed will be inserted below the new items. Your new feed will contain 19 items.

The above may seem obvious but I thought it was worth explaining how it works :)

Updated 22 Dec 2003

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This tool is provided free of charge. Use of the generated code requires no obligation on your part to link to this site either by choice or by forcing a visible link to appear in the generated code.

No link to this site will appear on any pages that use code generated from this site. However, the generated code does produce a comment specifying the url of the code generator ( it is hidden and will never appear to your visitor ). You are free to remove the line but we would appreciate it if you left it in place. Thanks :)


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