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FAQ - Javascript Q5

Q5:How do I change the content in a form text box?

A:First make sure your form has a name for example <form name="myform">
Make sure the text box has a name as well e.g <input type=text name="mytext">
How you call the function is up to you e.g. onclick, onchange etc
For this example I have used onChange

Type your text here

Then click here

Lets look a the code used

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> 
function changeit(){ 
ReplaceText = "You typed : "+document.myform.yourtext.value; 

// --> 
<form name="myform"> 
Type your text here<br> 
<input type="text" name="yourtext" size="25" onchange="changeit();"><br> 
Then click here<br> 
<input type="text" name="mytext" size="30"> 

The line document.myform.yourtext.value finds us the value from the document formname fieldname

This document.myform.mytext.value=ReplaceText; changes the text in document formname fieldname.
Getting values from other form elements such as select boxes etc is a bit more complicated. But that wasn't the question :)

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