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FAQ - Javascript Q3

Q3:How do I change a string into a number?

A:Too cut a long story short :) For whatever reason you have got a number and you want to add or subtract from it. The problem is the number is actually a string. Well, let's give an example.
Look at this code

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> 
function test1(){ 
var xyz="2468"; //simulate the number as a string 
answer = xyz+1000; 
alert("The sum is "+xyz"+1000\which should give us 3468"); 
alert("but what we actually get is"+answer); 

// --> 

click here to test it

Now look at this

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> 
function test2(){ 
var xyz="2468"; //simulate the number as a string 
xyz -= 0; //the magic bit - 0 
answer = xyz+1000; 
alert("The sum is "+xyz+"+1000\nwhich should give us 3468"); 
alert("and what we get is\n"+answer+"\nProblem solved"); 

// --> 

click here to test it

xyz -= 0; turns a string into a number - it's that easy :)

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